Merry christmas and happy new year 2009!

Guys, It's been quite a year and it's almost over! Can't believe how time passes by. Anyways, I just wanted to thank every single one of you for being supportive and always encouraging me to continue with the blog. Thank you for the posts, the mails and other shows of appreciation toward me and the job being done here with the blog. Sorry for the constant lacks of updates but I'm trying my best and I promise that next year will be different. but foremost thanks to Chris, who without him none of this would be possible, thank you for everything with each new video , photo, news etc. you encourage me to keep going through another day.


Btw, I found this new picture of chris at Randyblue's blog. How can't we not love this man? I mean, just look at him. He looks lovely in this pic. Love the long hair and the 3 day beard. just amazing!

Yet another cover!

Ok, so here we have Chris modeling for a thing other than porn. Which is great! so Chris is on the cover of January's Exercise for men only's magazine.  And we couldn't be happier nor prouder of him. Take a look at the scans. via

Chris & Leo

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