So, bloggin' around I found this article in which we are told how the interview for PAPERMAG went as well as a few outtakes. very HOT takes... just click to see them:
P.S. I still haven't had the chance to watch Chris' latest video, If you have please comment !!!

Three some!

So, Finally RB has released some new Chris Rockway material, this time chris shares the spot with Alex and Dakota. Can't wait to see the video... Here you have some pics of what you can expect. By the way, what do you think of Chris' new hair cut?

PAPERMAG interview

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Touch Yourself

Randy blue's "Get in Touch with Yourself" campaign featuring Chris ...


Some more pics...

So, I found and stole these pics from Flirck. What can I say about Chris, I'm speechless!

NY pride parade

Ok, this new pics have just been published. They were taken in this year's NY pride parade. Chris is looking hot as usual. Enjoy!

Chris Modeling

Chris Rockway modeling in the Andrew Christian fashion show at wetbar in Atlanta june 2007. I just love his body...


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